Lloret Sun Sport Tours Tournament

20 de abr. 2024, a las 09:00
Barcelona Netball Club - Oponente
09:00 sábado 20. abr - 16:30 domingo 21. abr
Lloret Sun Sport Tours Tournament

Arriving bright and early on Saturday morning, we settled into playing a number of matches.... well some of us arrived the night before which turned out to be a good call, as we didn't get our rooms until 2pm and the all all important all inclusive band until 12!

With a good number of teams registered for the tounament, we were able to play a lot of netball, with Games going on until 15:30 the following day.   As always it takes us a few games to get into our stride, as we slowly get better as the tournament goes on - highlight has to be the team scoring 15 goals in 12 minutes in our best result of the weekend 15-0 against REMES.

Despite the overall results where we placed 5th, we had a fabulous weekend as the pictures and gallery results show!

Lloret Tourno Reel


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